Unsupported - AppleShare Client that does not support ClearText

By: Richard Glaser - Revised: 2006-06-07 devin

  1. Make a copy of the AppleShare Client
  2. Run ResEdit and open it
  3. Open the 'FSMNT' resource, then open up "ApShare Mounter"
  4. Select "Find ASCII" and search on "Cleartxt"
  5. Highlight just the 'C' character and type 'X' instead. DO NOT DELETE ANY CHARS, just replace the 'C' char!!!
  6. Close the "ApShare Mounter" and the 'FSMNT' windows.
  7. Open the 'EXFS' resource, then open up "ApShare ExFS".
  8. Select "Find ASCII" and search on "Cleartxt".
  9. Highlight just the 'C' character and type 'X' instead. DO NOT DELETE ANY CHARS, just replace the 'C' char!!!
  10. Close the "ApShare ExFS" and the 'EXFS' windows.
  11. Quit ResEdit and save the file.
  12. Now find every AppleShare client that is on your network and replace it with this version. Maybe give it a special name.