The server setup

By: James Reynolds - Revised: 2006-06-08 devin

When setting up a FileMaker Server, besides regular Mac OS server settings, do the following things.

Write an AppleScript that opens all the needed files. Place it in the "StartUp Items" Folder--don't place an alias in there just in case the alias ever gets messed up. Then, when the server restarts because of a crash, it will always open the databases.


tell application "Finder"
     activate application "FileMaker Pro 4.1v3"
end tell
tell application "FileMaker Pro 4.1v3"
     -- FileMaker PRO DATABASES
     open "FileMaker Server:Databases:security:Web Security.fp3"
     -- Other databases
     open "FileMaker Server:Databases:database_filename" ¬
     with password "..."
     open "FileMaker Server:Databases:database_filename" ¬
     with password "..."
     open "FileMaker Server:Databases:database_filename" ¬
     with password "..."
     open "FileMaker Server:Databases:database_filename" ¬
     with password "..."
     open "FileMaker Server:Databases:database_filename" ¬
     with password "..."
end tell

If you run Retrospect, Write an AppleScript that runs before the disk is backed up that quits FileMaker and duplicates the database files (the database files don't backup well if open, in fact, I don't know if they will back up at all...).


tell application "Finder"
     delete every item of container window of folder "dbBackups" ¬
     of startup disk of folder "dbBackups" of startup disk
     copy folder "Web" of folder "FileMaker Pro 4.1 Folder" ¬
     of startup disk to folder "dbBackups" of startup disk
end tell
tell application "FileMaker Pro 4.1v3"
end tell
tell application "Finder"
     copy file "Web.log" of folder "FileMaker Pro 4.1 Folder" ¬
     of startup disk to folder "dbBackups" of startup disk
     copy folder "Database Folder" of startup disk to folder ¬
     "dbBackups" of startup disk
     open file "Startup" of folder "Startup Items" of folder ¬
     "System Folder"
     of startup disk -- "Startup" is the AppleScript above this one.
end tell