Cleaner 6.0.2

By: Scott Doenges - Revised: 2006-06-06 devin

Cleaner Icon

  • Requires user write permissions to batch file "untitled" located in the application folder, else will display the following error message:

Cleaner Error

  • Also, requires user write permission to the "cleaner Settings" folder located in the application folder, else cause the application to unexpectedly quit:

Cleaner Unexpected Quit

  • Also, it requires user write permissions to the "default" file located n the application package in /Contents/MacOS/Default
  • A workaround is moving the batch file "untitled" and "cleaner Settings" folder to user space and create symlinks in the Cleaner application folder

ls -s /path/to/user/folder/untitled /path/to/cleaner/app/folder/
ls -s /path/to/user/folder/cleaner Settings /path/to/cleaner/app/folder/
ls -s /path/to/user/folder/Default /path/to/cleaner/app/folder/Contents/MacOS/