Podcast Producer - Man Pages - podcast

By: Richard Glaser, University of Utah - Revised: 2009-07-17 richard

podcast(1)                BSD General Commands Manual               podcast(1)

     podcast -- Podcast Producer command line tool

     podcast [--server serverhost] [--pass password] [--user username]
             [--checksslcert] [--timeout network_timeout]
             [--auth (Password | Kerberos)]

     podcast --listcameras
     podcast --listworkflows
     podcast --listservers
     podcast --listinfo --server serverhost

     podcast --submit --file file_path [--file file_path] --workflow
             workflow_name [--metadata metadata_file_path]
             [--upload_buffer_size buffer_size]

     podcast --list_uploads
     podcast --clear_completed_uploads

     podcast --isbound
     podcast --bind camera_name
     podcast --unbind camera_name

     podcast --presets
     podcast --devices
     podcast --setconfig key=value[;key=value]
     podcast --getconfig

     podcast --status camera_name [--update_preview]
     podcast --start camera_name [--audio_only] [--delay seconds]
     podcast --stop camera_name --metadata metadata_file_path --workflow
     podcast --pause camera_name
     podcast --resume camera_name
     podcast --cancel camera_name

     podcast --help

     [--server serverhost]               The location of the Podcast Producer
                                         server.  Format: 'myserver.exam-
                                         ple.com' or 'https://myserver.exam-
                                         ple.com:8170/podcastproducer'.  If
                                         omitted, podcast will use 'hostname'

     [--user username]                   The username for authentication.  If
                                         omitted, podcast will use $USER

     [--pass password]                   The password for authentication.  If
                                         omitted, podcast will prompt for it

     [--checksslcert]                    Validate server SSL certificate

     [--timeout network_timeout]         Specify a network timeout in seconds
                                         (default is 60 seconds)

     [--auth (Password | Kerberos)]      Specify an authentication mechanism
                                         to use when connecting to the Podcast
                                         Producer server.  If omitted, podcast
                                         will use 'Password'

     --listcameras                       List available cameras

     --listworkflows                     List available workflows

     --listservers                       List available servers (Bonjour dis-

     --listinfo --server serverhost      List information about a specific
                                         server (unauthenticated request)

     --submit                            Submit a recording or a file

     --file file_path                    Submit external file(s) (requires

     --workflow workflow_name            The workflow to use for processing
                                         (--file only)

     [--metadata metadata_file_path]     The metadata (XML plist) to use for
                                         processing (--file only)

     [--upload_buffer_size buffer_size]  Specifies the network transfer size
                                         for an upload operation (default is

     --list_uploads                      Lists pending uploads and progress

     --clear_completed_uploads           Clears completed uploads from list

     --isbound                           Check if the local camera agent is
                                         bound to a server (returns 1 if
                                         bound, 0 if unbound)

     --bind camera_name                  Bind camera to a server

     --unbind camera_name                Remove binding for camera on a server

     --presets                           Lists available capture presets for
                                         camera agent configuration

     --devices                           Lists available devices for camera
                                         agent configuration

     --setconfig key=value[;key=value]   Write an agent configuration setting
                                         (requires root)

     --getconfig                         Read agent configuration settings
                                         (requires root)

     Capture                             Value is a "<Type>:<Quality>" pair.

                                         Types: "Audio" or "Video" or "Screen"

                                         Qualities: "Good" or "Better" or

     AudioDevice                         Automatic | SysPref | <DeviceID>

                                         Automatic will use the default audio
                                         device input.

                                         SysPref will use the audio device
                                         input from System Preferences.

                                         A specific <DeviceID> will be used
                                         for audio (list devices with

     VideoDevice                         Automatic | <DeviceID>

                                         Automatic will use the default video
                                         device input.

                                         A specific <DeviceID> will be used
                                         for video (list devices with

     --status camera_name [--update_preview]
                                         Get status of a specific remote cam-
                                         era. Optionally, ask for the preview
                                         image to be updated

     --start camera_name [--audio_only [--delay seconds]]
                                         Start capture on a specific remote
                                         camera. Optionally, start recording
                                         with audio only mode or with delay

     --stop camera_name                  Stop capture on a specific remote
                                         camera (requires --workflow and

     --pause camera_name                 Pause capture on a specific remote

     --resume camera_name                Resume capture on a specific remote

     --cancel camera_name                Cancel capture for a specific remote

     --help                              Output a help listing

     Returns 0 if command completed successfully.  Errors in the 10-19 range
     are local command line issues.  Errors in the 20-29 range are server con-
     nectivity problems.  Errors in the 30-39 range are server command prob-
     lems.  Errors numbered 40 and above are agent response errors.

     Returns 10 if root is required.

     Returns 11 if there was an error reading or writing to a Plist

     Returns 12 if there were command line parameter errors.

     Returns 20 if the server is unavailable.

     Returns 21 if there was a server hostname lookup failure.

     Returns 22 if there was a server timeout.

     Returns 23 if the server is not running SSL.

     Returns 24 if the server certificate is not valid (only with

     Returns 25 if there was a bad response from the server.

     Returns 26 if the server returned an authorization failure.

     Returns 30 if the submission create failed.

     Returns 31 if the upload server is unavailable.

     Returns 32 if the file upload failed.

     Returns 33 if the file copy failed.

     Returns 34 if the submission complete failed.

     Returns 35 if the agent bind failed on the server.

     Returns 36 if an agent command failed on the server.

     Returns 37 if an unknown server error occurred.

     List Workflows on the server:

     podcast --server myserver.example.com --user username --pass password

     Submit a third-party file to the server:

     podcast --server myserver.example.com --user username --pass password
     --submit --file /path/to/file --workflow 'Workflow1' --metadata

     Submit more than one file to the server:

     podcast --server myserver.example.com --user username --pass password
     --submit --file /path/to/file1 --file /path/to/file2 --workflow
     'Workflow1' --metadata /path/to/metadata.plist

     Bind an agent to a server:

     podcast --server myserver.example.com --user adminuser --pass password
     --bind 'MyCamera'

     Write a set of configuration settings for the agent (requires root):

     podcast --setconfig

     Start a recording on a remote agent:

     podcast --server myserver.example.com --user username --pass password
     --start 'MyCamera'

     Stop a recording on a remote agent:

     podcast --server myserver.example.com --user username --pass password
     --start 'MyCamera' --workflow 'Workflow1' --metadata

     This is example output from --listworkflows:

     <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
     <plist version='1.0'>
                                     <string>Physics 13 Workflow</string>
                                     <string>Create podcast for Fall 2007 Physics 13</string>
                                     <string>Chemistry 5 Workflow</string>
                                     <string>Create podcast for Fall 2007 Chemistry 5</string>

     This is example output from --listcameras:

     <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
     <plist version='1.0'>

     This is an example of a metadata file submitted with --metadata:

     <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
     <plist version="1.0">
                     <string>Professor Rick Hathaway</string>
                     <string>Strangely, things fall together.  Sorry Yeats.</string>
                     <string>Copyright (c) 2007 Vox Clamantis College</string>
                     <string>Gravitation is a phenomenon through which all objects attract each other.</string>
                     <string>gravitation phys13</string>
                     <string>Lecture 4 -- The theory of gravitation</string>

Mac OS                           July 17, 2009                          Mac OS