Setup and Installation
By: Chems Touati and James Reynolds - Revised: 2006-06-07 devinIntroduction
Discusses the U of U Magnolia installer, its contents and requirements, and instructions for installation and configuration.

The U of U Magnolia Installer was built by Student Computing Lab's Mac Team at the University of Utah.
This installer was created to simplify the install and configuration process of
Magnolia, and
MagnoliaQT in OS X.
Magnolia for Web Content, developed by
obinary, is the leading open-source enterprise content-management-system (ECM) built on JSR-170, the standard API for java content repositories (JCR), and sports an outstanding user interface.
Magnolia makes content management as easy, fast and flexible as possible. Its streamlined features ensure easy deployment, templating and editing of your websites.
MagnoliaQT is a diploma project by
Thomas Martin in the context of
FHBB. MagnoliaQT makes heavy use of the
QuickTime for Java libraries, a collection of API's that allow access to the powerful multimedia-capabilities of Apple's QuickTime Software through the Java language.
MagnoliaQT was developed with the help of Anthony Rogers, co-author of
QuickTime and
QuickTime for Java at
Apple. Since the integration of these API's takes place on the server magnoliaQT can be accessed through a simple webbrowser. All that is needed is Apple's free
QuickTime Plugin for rendering the content in the browser.
Please make sure you are running the latest versions of Quicktime and Java (JDK 1.4.1 or later required).
This installer has been tested on OSX 10.3+.
You will also need to open port 8081 in your firewall in order for your Magnolia site to be viewable by others.
This package installs:
Tomcat 5
Magnolia 2.1.3
Magnolia for QuickTime Beta 3
Magnolia StartupItem for OSX
- Run the Magnolia OSX.pkg installer.
- Restart
- Visit Magnolia OSX in a browser.
PUBLIC INSTANCE: http://localhost:8081/magnoliaPublic
AUTHOR INSTANCE: http://localhost:8081/magnoliaAuthor
Login: superuser
Password: superuser
Basic Configuration and Setup
- Change the Admin password, then Edit and Activate users (See manual page 12)
- Create a new superuser account
- Login in a separate web browser with the *new* superuser account you just created
- Change the old superuser password or deactivate the user
NOTE: You can't change the password on the account you're currently logged in under
Limitation of Liability
The Magnolia OSX Installer and MagnoliaQT as well as any documentation are provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of performance, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose. User bears all risk relating to quality and performance of the software.
In no event shall the University of Utah be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any such content, goods, or services available on or through any such site or resource.
Version History
- Minor changes to Welcome, ReadMe, and License
- Updated webapp names to conform to Magnolia standards
- Author: magnoliaAuthor
- Public: magnoliaPublic
- Magnolia OSX Installer is born
Known Bugs
None at this time. (Send them in!)