
By: Richard Glaser - Revised: 2006-05-17 devin


Discusses issues with SubEthaEdit regarding Dynamically Applying Prefs Modifications, Saving Shared Docs, Versioning, Focus, Granular Access Control, Blocking Participants, and problems opening a doc window.

Dynamically Applying Prefs Modifications

One thing I would like is the ability to dynamically applying preference modifications. For example, in some instances I want turn off word wrap, but then start sharing a document the word wrap can't dynamically be turned back on. Other text editors like BBEdit support this feature and I would really like it added to SubEthaEdit.

Also, it would be nice if there was an option to use or not use hosts preferences. Again, I could see depending on the type of collaboration, it might be nice to allow participants use hosts preferences.

Saving Shared Docs

Users can't easily saved connected shared documents with keyboard shortcut. You can select "Save a Copy As...", but each preceding save must be done using same command. Why not just let user use the standard Save command or press Command+S? You can if you are hosting a shared document, but not if you are participating in a shared document.


It would be a nice feature if the host could restore revisions of the shared document. Currently, it is possible a participant of a shared document to delete portions or all text of a shared document and if the host hasn't saved, they can't revert back to a previous version.


With larger groups participating on a shared document, it would be a nice feature to allow host to restrict or focus participants on sections of the document and not allow them to work outside this area of the shared document.

Granular Access Control

It would be nice if there was more granular control for access list. For example, if you want give permission on internet participants but not Rendezvous participants. Or if you want to limit users to only adding text, but not allow them to remove text. Or if you want to limit users to only remove their own text but not allow them to remove others. Maybe a observe mode would be useful?

Block Participants

It would be useful if SubEthaEdit supported an option of blocking specific participants based by hostname/IP address or maybe domain or subnet. Similar functionality as iChat, plus features used on mail server used to block junk mail. This would be a nice feature if you have problematic participants vs just continually denying them access.

Refuses to open "any" Doc Windows

This is an issue that can occur, when you try creating or opening an existing document, SubEthaEdit refuses to display the Document Window. It displays an error in console:

SubEthaEdit[487] Can't cache image

A work around for this issue, is dragging your user icon image out of the Address Book, and then drag the resulting TIFF image back to the icon image.