U of U iTunes U History

Revised: 2007-10-04 richard

University of Utah iTunes U History

Legal Contract
The legal contract took 6 to 9 months to complete between Apple Inc and the University of Utah.

Authentication & Authorization
The institution is responsible for developing & providing authentication & authorization for the iTunes U site. This allows use to allow an instructor to edit & upload content in iTunes U and restrict access to only students enrolled in their class. It also allows restricting access to content to university students, staff, faculty and affiliates or multiple other scenarios.

It took about 2-3 months of initial development to build the backend authentication & authorization system. There will be ongoing minor updates & revisions when needed and plan to automate creation for courses each semester.


Web Site & iTunes U Instance
Took 2-3 months to development, creation of content, and setup. There will be ongoing minor updates & revisions when needed.

iTunes U - Website & Instance

We plan on developing & teaching classes on...
  • iTunes U - How to edit & add content?
  • iTunes U - Simple Podcasts
  • iTunes U - Audio Podcasts
  • iTunes U - Video Podcasts

Marketing & Promotion
Time will be taken for presenting iTunes U to campus, institutions, departments & groups.