By: Richard Glaser -
Revised: 2006-05-30 devin
A list of frequently asked questions regarding radmind.
Table Of Contents
What is the issue with the "dreaded trailing slash"?
How do I distribute one or more files once as a default, and ignore changes on subsequent radmind sessions?
How can I identify and assign clients?
How can I install Radmind via command line?
How can I run radmind in Single User mode?
The radmind server doesn't startup after reboot. How do I fix it?
Can you manage Norton Anti-Virus with Radmind?
Can I manage local users (NetInfo)?
How can I uninstall radmind?
How can I test an overload on a Mac OS X computer without potentially destroying the original data?
Can I have more than one negative transcript per command file?
If I'm managing Mac OS X 10.3 computers that are bound to a Microsoft Active Directory, are there additional files or directories I should put in a negative transcript?
If I'm managing Mac OS X faculty or staff computers with additional negative space, what additional negative space should I consider?
How do I manage Mac OS X faculty or staff computers with Radmind, particularly if I need to allow them to install software in /Applications or place files in other portions of the Local or System domains?
Can I manage a system with Mac OS X Server installed via Radmind?
Are Radmind transcripts listed in the same order that the UNIX command sort would produce?
How do I find text in command/transcript files via grep?
What are the options of the Radmind Server, Radmind Loadset Tool?
What port does radmind use?
I'm getting unexpected results with my Radmind updates, and I suspect that there's a problem in one or more of my transcripts, or the order in which they are applied to the system. How do I resolve this?
How do I create a transcript of a directory?
How do I create a new transcript of a single object?
If I accidentally delete a command file from the Radmind server, can I recover it?
Any thoughts about integrating Radmind with Webmin for web management?
Can a single base load be used on different hardware platforms?
Can I schedule radmind client updates?
Can Radmind be run remotely?
Can Radmind be used to uninstall an application?
Can Radmind be used with custom loadsets of Mac OS X, or just the default installation?
Can radmind push updates to clients?
Can the GUI tools be used on other platforms than Mac OS X, i.e. Linux?
Can the loadsets be done from ANY client or does it work better from the same client each time?
Can you compile radmind for Mac OS X 10.2?
Can you explain what a negative transcript is, and how to build one?
Can you use a Windows server to manage Mac clients?
Do you use BOM files for the transcript files? Or have you ever considered using BOM files?
Does radmind have "ignore" settings for certain files like RevRdist did for Mac OS 9?
Does Radmind have any file protection so the files cannot be moved or copied to removable media?
Does Radmind just do files or can it handle packages?
Does radmind support formatting or re-partitioning disks?
How can one allow users to install their own applications without the applications being deleted when the user's computer is updated using Radmind?
How can you specify which machines run which loads from Radmind?
How does Radmind differentiate the different computers from one another for different serial numbers?
How does Radmind handle permissions?
How does Radmind relate to/work with/compete with Apple Remote Desktop?
How does the file update mechanism, fsdiff compare with rsync?
How is radmind different from using secure shell to push updates?
How much Unix knowledge is needed to set up and use Radmind?
Is an Apple server required in order to use Radmind?
Is radmind available for Windows?
Is there a way you can list the differences between two different loadsets?
Please describe differences between using Radmind with roaming PowerBooks compared to stationary macs in a lab setting.
Say I want to replace 1 file on my image, can I just copy it into the image folder on my server (as I do now with RevRdist), or do I have to go through the entire process of creating a load, then merging the loads?
What are special files?
What are the bandwidth requirements? Any network restrictions? LAN, WAN, broadcast, multicast?
What are the issues in moving Radmind loadsets and overloads from one server to another? Are there ownership or permissions issues?
What happens if there's a network interruption during a Radmind update session? (Power outage, ethernet gets pulled out, whatever.)
What makes radmind more useful than NetInstall from Apple?
What sort of user interaction, including reboot, is required when applying a loadset?
What's the difference between a transcript and a loadset?
When you say "manage" do you mean manage in the Workgroup Manager sense of managing access, privileges, and the like, or simply keeping software current?
Where are the loadsets stored?
Where are the radmind config files stored? On the server or on the clients?
Would you recommend an Xserve over a desktop Mac for the server?
421 Service not available, closing transmission channel
500 No access for client.hostname
531 Access Error: transcript.T
How to create a Special File Overload
Radmind Command Not Found
hotfiles.btree Error
line too long - Error Message
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