How do I create a transcript of a directory?

By: Richard Glaser - Revised: 2006-09-07 richard

Creating a Transcript of a Directory & Contents

You can use the radmind command line or Radmind Transcript Editor to create a transcript of a directory and contents.

Using fsdiff command...

fsdiff -c sha1 -K /dev/null /path/to/directory > /path/to/transcript.T

The "-K" option specifies a command file, which in the example above "/dev/null" is empty. The "/path/to/directory" is the absolute path to the directory you want to create the directory. Or if you are using relative paths for transcripts use...

fsdiff -c sha1 -K /dev/null ./path/to/directory > /path/to/transcript.T

To redirect output to a transcript using the  "> /path/to/transcript.T"

Using Radmind Transcript Editor...

You simply drag the directory to the Radmind Transcript Editor window.

Radmind Transcript Editor - Window with Directory Drag

Then click on the "Add Directory and Contents" button.

Creating a Transcript of a Directory Only

Again, you can use the radmind command line or Radmind Transcript Editor to create a transcript of a directory only

Using fsdiff command...

fsdiff -c sha1 -1 /path/to/directory > /path/to/transcript.T

The "-1" option outputs a single transcript line for a give file or directory.

Using Radmind Transcript Editor:

Again, you simply drag the directory to the Radmind Transcript Editor window.

Radmind Transcript Editor - Window with Directory Drag

Then click on the "Add Directory" button.

Radmind Transcript Editor - Add Dialog