How do I distribute one or more files once as a default, and ignore changes on subsequent radmind sessions?

By: Richard Glaser - Revised: 2006-05-30 devin

Create a negative transcript for the file(s) using fsdiff as you normally would for positive transcripts, but upload the loadset to the Radmind server without specifying the -N flag on lcreate:

   lcreate -h <radmind server> /path/new-default-file-transcript.T

Normally, for negative loadsets, you would use lcreate -N to upload the files as 0 byte, or empty, files. Uploading them without -N will send the full file to the server.

When you use the resulting transcript in a loadset, specify it with "n" as you would do for a negative transcript:

   n new-default-file-transcript.T

When this appears in a command file during a Radmind session, the client will make changes with lapply:
  1. If the file(s) specified already exist, their contents will be ignored.
    Their mode, uid, and gid will be managed, as is normal for files in negative transcripts. The file(s) will not be overwritten by the versions on the server.
  2. If the file(s) do not exist yet, the default file(s) you uploaded as part of the loadset creation will be downloaded from the Radmind server and installed on the client.
For Example:
You can use this method with software like Retrospect Client, where you can setup a negative with default settings. For example, here is a negative transcript "prefs_retropect_6_client_negative.T"

   f /Library/Preferences/retroclient.state   0644   0   80

This file "retroclient.state" defines the settings for the Retrospect Client software, if the client doesn't have this file the default file is download, else if it exists the file is not managed other than mode, uid and gid.